Spirituality and Cannabis

Sher's Blog

According to https://dragonvape.ca/, the spirit of the Cannabis plant clouds consciousness or disconnects us from source. With this in mind, how convenient would it be, for those in control, to keep the majority of people in a state of disconnection from their true selves. Could this be why the drug has been legalized through prescription in Canada? Are the products they control GMO or modified to have specific effects on the psyche? Speaking from personal observation and research from natureandbloom, over the past twenty years I have seen the effects of cannabis on people who have quit for several months and then went back again, as well as the effects on those who have been using the drug from an early age. If you are thinking of buying kratom based products you can read here to find all the details that you need to know.

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Sher's Blog

MSG; a slow poison, addictive, creates obesity, brain toxin, hidden in most foods under the name, natural flavoring or hydrolyzed vegetable protein.

The food additive MSG (Mono-Sodium Glutamate) is a slow poison. MSG hides behind 25 or more names, such as “Natural Flavoring.” MSG is even in your favorite coffee from Tim Horton’s and Starbucks coffee shops!

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Sher's Blog

Organic farmers and our food supply have a huge environmental hazard to contend with compliments of the U.S. government – chemtrails. Chemtrails are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed for purposes believed to pollute the soil, water and air while compromising the health of humans, animals and plants.

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Giving them the Time of Day

Sher's Blog

Our children are surrounded by so many external influences that it can be difficult for us parents to have our intended impact on their young impressionable minds.

Schools and governments dictate what they learn, advertisements and peers tell them what foods to eat and what clothes to wear, while social media such as Instagram and Facebook take up the remaining part of their day.

Are we taking the time to walk in the park together, or enjoy each other’s company over dinner, despite our busy schedules? When we are with our kids, do they seem to prefer their iPhones and computer games over conversations with us parents?

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